Monday, July 29, 2013

Mobile Technology- 3G to Present

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Third generation boosted the mobile technology and moved media heights up high. Introduction to 3G network and camera phone added many features such as uploading pictures, profile searches, interact with strangers outside the friend circle etc. Now people were able to video call, send and receive pictures and access high speed internet. Meanwhile around this era, social networking sites like orkut became popular. After few years facebook took over which attracted the attention on many other internet users. This was a huge change in the history to social media and social sites.

In 2010, Mobile technology reached to high speed network called 4G. In addition to 3G network, it support LTE and WiMAX contenders. Features included, web 2.0, multiplayer gaming, flash,multipoint audio chat, video conversation and all the old features of 3G.

Reference: Mousa, A. M. (2012). Prospective of Fifth Generation Mobile Communications. International Journal Of Next-Generation Networks, 4(3), 11-30. doi:10.5121/ijngn.2012.4302